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- News and Publications page
- Deleporte Wentz Avocat advises companies on their IT projects, from startups to multinational corporations, in French and European laws through our network of independent firms located across Europe. This expansion towards South-East Asia gives us the op
- In January 2014, an 18 year-old used a drone (or unmanned aircraft system - UAS) equipped with a GoPro camera to fly over and record a video of the city of Nancy, in eastern France. He then posted his video on the internet. The video received more than 40
- In a landmark decision on 6 October 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held that the Safe Harbor principles, in effect between the EU and the US since 2000, were invalid. All European companies working with US commercial organizations
- Software vendors (licensors) have increased the number of software license audits over the past few years to chase intellectual property infringement through illegal use of software. Infringing users (licensees) are required to pay additional licensing fe
- Following the cancellation of Safe Harbor, the EU Commission and the US have been negotiating to set up a new privacy framework to better protect personal data transfers of the European citizens to the United States. An agreement on a new EU-US Privacy Sh
- In France, although the Digital Economy Act (“LCEN”) of 21 June 2004 introduced more flexibility for the use and supply of means of cryptography, importing or exporting encryption software or services in or from France remains regulated.
- After over four years of debates at the European level, the General data protection regulation (GDPR) was finally passed on 27 April 2016. The new regulation will apply in all the European member states in two years, as from 25 May 2018. The compliance co
- A new convention for the avoidance of double taxation between Singapore and France entered into force on 1st June 2016, replacing the previous convention dated 9 September 1974.
- The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is a US-based not-for-profit public-benefit corporation which includes participants from all over the world. From now on, ICANN will be supervised by the private sector represented by the “Gl
- Cybersquatting consists in the practice of registering domain names using unauthorized third-party trademarks. The cybersquatter may then try to resell the domain names to their rights owners. Out-of-court procedures such as the ICANN Uniform Domain-Name
- On 16 February 2017, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which includes a series of recommendations to the European Commission regarding civil law rules on robotics. (1) With this document, the Parliament calls on the Commission to submit a propo
- The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect in the European Union in less than a year from now, on 25th May 2018. The GDPR is a thorough and complex reform of data privacy law, which means that companies have to get organised to b
- The scope of the GDPR covers not only businesses in the European Union but also non-EU companies targeting the European market. These non-EU companies are therefore concerned by the GDPR and must get compliant with these new rules.
- In order to improve the users' trust in digital services, and further to the publication of the Digital Republic Act ("Loi pour une République numérique"), three decrees to improve the transparency of digital platforms were published on 29 September 2017.
- The directive concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union ("NIS Directive") was transposed in French law on 26 February 2018. The new law provides additional obligations regarding digital sec
- The European Commission is currently working on the development of a new area of the law focused on robotics. This could go as far as including the creation of a specific legal status for robots.
- The Firm contributed to the Report on remedies against online piracy of sport content.
- The new website of Deleporte Wentz Avocat was launched on July 1st!
- The European Union is building a European legal framework on artificial intelligence, including a proposal for a regulation with the purpose of laying down harmonised rules, published in April 2021, focusing on the risks and liability of the producers of
- On July 10th, 2023, the European Commission adopted a new adequacy decision entitled Data Privacy Framework (DPF) to facilitate the transfer of personal data from the European Union to the United States.
- The Irish DPC fined TikTok €345M for breaching the GDPR provisions on children’s personal data.
- In line with previous decisions from the French Cour de cassation, the Paris Court of appeals decided that WhatsApp messages sent by an employee from his professional mobile phone are presumed professional.
- Generative AI tools present a significant challenge to intellectual property law: can works created using this technology be protected under intellectual property laws? This issue arises on two fronts: the content collected by AI software and the content
- Video games are legally classified as complex works. They are protected by intellectual property law, but each component of the game – whether software, database, gameplay, music, etc., is governed by the rules applicable based on its nature. To ensure th
- A company which includes a chatbot on its website may be held liable if the bot provides wrongful advice or information.
- The Artificial intelligence act (or “AI Act”) was finally adopted on May 21st and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on June 13th, 2024. The regulation will enter into force on August 1st 2024. Its application will be phased over a pe
- Enacted on May 21, 2024, the French Security and Digital Space Regulation Law (SREN Law) aims to reinforce the protection of minors from accessing inappropriate content online, such as pornography. (1) This law imposes a minimum age verification system fo
- The French Security and Digital Space Regulation Law (“SREN Law”), enacted on May 21, 2024, aims to reduce user dependency on dominant cloud service providers (notably the GAFAM companies) by introducing a series of measures to create a more fluid market.
- The French Security of the Digital Space Regulation Law (“SREN Law”), enacted on May 21, aims to enhance the protection of internet users against online fraud, hate speech, and cyberharassment by introducing new criminal penalties.
- The French Security and Digital Space Regulation Law (“SREN Law”), enacted on May 21, 2024, aims to regulate games involving monetizable digital items (Web3 games). A key focus of the legislation is safeguarding players, particularly minors, from potentia
- The rapid adoption of AI in the workplace presents both opportunities and challenges. To prevent unauthorized use and minimize associated risks, companies must proactively update their IT policies and ensure that employees receive adequate training.
- Deepfakes offer numerous legitimate applications, provided they respect individuals’ rights. However, malicious uses continue to dominate public perception. As the legal framework is evolving, efforts to tackle illicit deepfakes are expected to intensify,
- Using a thumbs-up emoji can be interpreted as giving consent to enter into a contract. This was the conclusion of a Canadian appellate court, which ruled that a company must fulfill a commercial contract. Emojis are also recognized by French courts as val
- User consent lies in the heart of data protection. Upholding this principle, the CNIL has fined Orange €50 million for sending advertising messages to its subscribers without obtaining their consent.
- The use of dashcams in vehicles is not specifically regulated in France. However, the use of recorded footage must comply with the right to privacy, personal data protection regulation, and the rules of admissibility of evidence.
- In its 2024 annual report, the CNIL highlights a significant increase in sanctions and other corrective measures imposed for non-compliance with the GDPR.