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Entry into force of the AI Act

Entry into force of the AI Act

The Artificial intelligence act (or “AI Act”) was finally adopted on May 21st and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on June 13th, 2024. (1)

The main purpose of this legislation is to regulate the distribution of safe artificial intelligence systems, guaranteeing a high level of protection of fundamental rights such as human rights and democracy, the rule of law, the protection of health and of the environment, and to support innovation in this area.

The regulation will enter into force on August 1st 2024. Its application will be phased over a period of 3 years :

Most provisions of the AI Act will become applicable from August 2nd, 2026, most notably the provisions regarding high risk AI systems.

Prohibited AI systems can no loger be used from February 2nd, 2025 (entry into application of chapters I and II of the regulation).

On August 2nd, 2025, the provisions regarding the notifying authorities, the notification procedure, compliance assessment, the provisions regarding governance and penalties, as well as obligations applicable to general-purpose AI models (GPAI models) shall enter into application (chapter III section 4, chapter V, chapter VII article 78 and chapter XII).

And finally, on August 2nd, 2027, the provisions regarding fines applicable to GPAI models and the rules regarding classification of high risk AI systems shall enter into application (article 6 par.1 and article 101).

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(1) Regulation (EU) 2024/1698 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence


Deleporte Wentz Avocat

July 2024